Oklahoma educators can now apply for a chance to receive a package of accurate agriculture books through Oklahoma Farm Bureau’s Bushels for Books program. The program is a collaborative effort between the OKFB Women’s Leadership Committee and the OKFB Foundation for Agriculture with the goal of placing books in Oklahoma classrooms and schools to help tell the true story of farming, ranching and food. Pre-K to eighth-grade teachers can apply now through June 10 for a chance to receive books that target their class’ grade level and subject, and school librarians can apply for books that span multiple grade levels. […]
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OKFB, ag groups request to submit amicus curiae brief in poultry case
Oklahoma Farm Bureau teamed up with four fellow agricultural organizations to support poultry farmers in a case before the Oklahoma Supreme Court. OKFB joined the Poultry Federation, American Farmers and Ranchers, the Oklahoma Cattlemen’s Association and the Oklahoma Pork Council to request to submit an amicus curiae – or “friend of the court” – brief in support of the Oklahoma Department of Agriculture, Food and Forestry’s appeal of a lawsuit brought by the Spring Creek Coalition against the agency for its regulation of poultry growers. In June 2024, the judge in Delaware County District Court issued an order supporting the […]
OKFB hosts successful 83rd annual meeting
Oklahoma Farm Bureau members from across the state gathered Nov. 8-10 at the Omni Hotel in Oklahoma City for the organization’s 83rd annual meeting where they elected new leaders, set organizational policy for the coming year, recognized outstanding members and learned from speakers. “We had a really wonderful convention this year,” said OKFB President Rodd Moesel. “Everybody enjoyed the chance to fellowship and visit with one another and address the issues of the day during the resolutions sessions. A lot of times in agriculture, we are out on the farm or ranch and don’t get to see each other as […]
OKFB members elect board members, committee leaders at 2024 annual meeting
Oklahoma Farm Bureau members elected and re-elected several leaders during the organization’s 83rd annual meeting Nov. 8-10 in Oklahoma City. Board of directors Jimmy Taylor of Roger Mills County was elected to serve as the new District 2 director, filling the seat of retiring director Monte Tucker. He will serve a three-year term representing Beckham, Custer, Greer, Harmon, Kiowa, Jackson, Roger Mills, Tillman and Washita counties. Gary Crawley of Pittsburg County will return to the OKFB board of directors after being elected to serve a three-year term as the new District 5 director. He will represent Atoka, Bryan, Choctaw, Haskell, […]
Farm Bureau members, counties honored at OKFB’s 83rd annual meeting
Oklahoma Farm Bureau honored achievements and accomplishments of the organization’s members during the past year at OKFB’s annual awards banquet held Saturday, Nov. 9, at the Omni Hotel in Oklahoma City. Awards were presented to county Farm Bureaus for outstanding achievement in advocating for agriculture and Oklahoma’s rural communities with county star awards, the John I. Taylor Award, the Lewis H. Munn Award and more. Awards were also given to young farmers and ranchers, members of Oklahoma’s agriculture community, and nine farm and ranch families who were recognized for upholding our state’s richest agricultural traditions. Awards presented during the evening […]
OKFB WLC holds annual conference for Farm Bureau women in Oklahoma City
Oklahoma Farm Bureau women from around the state joined together for a weekend of fellowship, service and learning during the 2024 OKFB Women’s Leadership Committee’s annual statewide conference at the Embassy Suites Downtown Medical Center in Oklahoma City April 19-20. The conference featured breakout sessions, community service projects, a silent auction fundraiser and networking opportunities for the more than 100 Farm Bureau members who attended. The conference kicked off Friday, April 19, with two community service projects. Members assembled bags of toiletry supplies for families staying at the Oklahoma City Ronald McDonald House, which serves as a home for families […]
OKFB WLC to host conference April 19-20
Join fellow Oklahoma Farm Bureau women during the 2024 OKFB Women’s Leadership Committee Conference April 19-20 at the Embassy Suites Downtown Medical Center in Oklahoma City. Featuring breakout sessions, keynote speakers, community service projects and fellowship, there is sure to be something for everyone. Child care will be available for infants to 10-year-old children. Those interested in using this service must complete the child care portion of the registration form. Each participant is asked to donate one item toward the silent auction benefiting Bushels for Books, which awards Oklahoma teachers with bushel baskets of accurate agriculture books for use in […]
OKFB hosts successful 82nd annual meeting
Oklahoma Farm Bureau members gathered in Oklahoma City Nov. 10-12 for the organization’s 82nd annual meeting where they elected new leaders, set organizational policy for the coming year, recognized outstanding members and learned from several speakers and presenters. “Our convention is a chance for farmers and ranchers to get together, visit with one another, renew their friendships and learn how much they have in common with their farming and ranching counterparts from across the state,” said Rodd Moesel, OKFB president. “There is a special camaraderie that develops from gathering together and a reassurance that you’re not the only person out […]
OKFB members elect new, returning leaders at 2023 annual meeting
Oklahoma Farm Bureau members elected and re-elected several leaders during the organization’s annual meeting Nov. 10-12 in Oklahoma City. Rodd Moesel was re-elected to serve his final two-year term as OKFB president. Moesel has served as OKFB president since 2017. Leon Richards of Texas County was re-elected to serve a three-year term as District Three director. Richards will represent Cimarron, Texas, Beaver, Harper, Ellis, Woodward and Dewey Counties. Kerry Givens of Comanche County was re-elected to a three-year term as District Four director. Givens will represent Comanche, Cotton, Stevens, Jefferson, Carter, Love, Murray, Johnston and Marshall Counties. Stacy Simunek of […]
Twelve Oklahoma teachers receive agriculture books through OKFB’s Bushels for Books
Twelve Oklahoma teachers were recently selected to receive a bushel basket of accurate agriculture books as part of Oklahoma Farm Bureau’s Bushels for Books program. A collaboration between the OKFB Foundation for Agriculture and the OKFB Women’s Leadership Committee, Bushels for Books is designed to spread agriculture literacy to children around the state through providing a selection of books that accurately portray the agriculture industry. “As family farmers and ranchers, we are passionate about teaching others how their food gets to the dinner table,” said Mignon Bolay, OKFB WLC chair. “We greatly appreciate these educators who have made agriculture literacy […]
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