We recently gathered at the Skirvin Hotel for our annual OKFB Leadership Conference. If you were able to attend, then you already know what a great line up of speakers and guests we had join us. We were also able to see many friends and familiar faces whom we had not seen since we gathered in Norman last November. I want to thank each and every one of you who took time to travel and participate in our meeting. That includes our elected officials who took time out of their hectic schedules to visit with us about the federal and state issues that are affecting you and the Farm Bureau.
Congressman Mullin kicked off the event with news from Washington, D.C. We have visited with the Congressman many times on issues relating to OKFB. Congressman Mullin filled us in on what we need to be doing in the future to continue to work on issues such as water, EPA over regulation, WRDA and a few others. We need to remember that the Congressman has worked hard for us and voted with us when we have asked. We appreciate the work he does.
During his address, Oklahoma Attorney General Scott Pruitt took off the gloves and put HSUS on notice that if they are going to play in Oklahoma, they are going to pay in Oklahoma. He talked of the unethical practices of raising money here and spending it elsewhere. It is against the law to falsely advertise, and that is exactly what the HSUS is doing. We look forward to Attorney General Pruitt setting the record straight on this radical animal rights group. He also talked of the need to make sure Oklahoma is using its resources to the fullest extent. We look forward to continuing our discussion of these pressing matters.
Our night was capped off with more than 75 legislators and Gov. Fallin joining us for dinner. We were extremely excited to be able to present a few of them, including the governor, with our Oklahoma Farm Bureau Champion Award. We want to thank the members who took time to show their support of Oklahoma Farm Bureau members. When you see these legislators at home, make sure you let them know you appreciate what they do for you at the Capitol.
Like any good OKFB event, we started the next day before the roosters crowed and were not disappointed with a discussion with Congressman Lankford. This is the second year in a row he has talked with us, and judging by the critique sheets, he is one of your favorites. He discussed a number of issues of interest to our members. Maybe the one that was talked about most was his decision to step down from the U.S. House of Representatives and run for the open Senate seat. By the time you read this, the race for the primary will be less than four months away. All the candidates have a lot of road and chicken dinners in front of them if they hope to get your vote. We will miss Congressman Lankford in the House, as he has been a true champion for OKFB.
As we already have a month behind us at the Oklahoma Capitol and our trip to D.C. is only a few weeks away, I encourage each one of you to be involved. We can only elect good Farm Bureau supporters if you get out there and let your voice be heard. It is up to you to make sure you send good, qualified people to represent you in Oklahoma City and in Washington, D.C. Thanks again to all who made our conference a huge success.
We make a living by what we get, we make a life by what we give. – Sir Winston Churchill