As you return from your spring break, know that things are going well at the Oklahoma Capitol. We passed our Right to Farm amendment, authored by Rep. Scott Biggs, out of the house on March 11. This bill passed 84 to 6, and we want to thanks Rep. Biggs for all the work he did to get that bill though the house. It is now onto the senate, where we hope to have the bill passed quickly and onto the vote of the people in November.
If you have been listening to our Attorney General Scott Pruitt lately, then you understand why we need this constitutional question. We are under constant attack from special interest groups that want to ban farming and ranching, not just in Oklahoma but all of the United States. Here is just one example of what the other side is saying:
“My goal is the abolition of all animal agriculture,” said John “J.P.”Goodwin, HSUS director of animal cruelty policy.
North Dakota has passed this constructional measure and a few other states have it on the ballot this year. If we hope to protect our food supply and ensure we can continue to feed the world, we must pass this state question. Please take time to call your senator and urge him or her to vote YES on HJR 1006. This is the only way to protect your rights.
Another large victory came on March 14, when we were able to pull a senate bill that dealt with Home Office Tax Credits. This is a tax credit that Oklahoma Farm Bureau and other domestic insurance offices receive each year. In the case of OKFB, it is a $1 million per year tax credit that is reinvested back into our county offices and allows us to be competitive when it comes to your benefits. I want to thank those of you who took the time to call your legislators and let them know this credit is important to you.
One of the big reasons we are successful at the Capitol is because when we ask for you to call your members and voice your opinion, you do. I assure you it makes a difference.We still have a few bills out there that need to be worked on. As I have stated before, there is no lack of bills that deal with your property rights and raising your taxes. I ask you to remain vigilant and ready in these last few weeks of the session, as we need your voice to be loud and clear when it comes to legislative issues. The emotions of the session and the ensuing elections have the Capitol tensions running at full speed. We have had a great session so far and hope to continue this success into the last week of May. The only way this works though is if the grassroots remain strong and vibrant. I look forward to hearing from you.
The candle of liberty has always been kept lit by a vigilant few. – Russell Pearce