County Farm Bureau organizations along with Oklahoma Farm Bureau donated $14,735 to community food pantries, food banks and other food assistance programs through the OKFB Community Food Assistance Matching Program during the month of April.
The program connects county Farm Bureaus with their communities through donations to local food assistance programs. OKFB matched county donations up to $100, doubling the impact of each gift.
The program serves as an opportunity for farmers and ranchers to help members of their local communities through the very products our state’s agriculturalists grow and raise each and every day.
Thirty-eight county organizations and three county Women’s Leadership Committees answered the call to battle food insecurity in their local communities.
The County Farm Bureaus that participated and the organizations receiving donations included:
- Caddo: Anadarko Senior Nutrition Activity Fund, Apache Senior Center, Carnegie Senior Nutrition Center, Cement Nutrition Center, Cyril Senior Nutrition Center, Hinton Senior Nutrition Program, Binger Community Center, Eakly Ministerial Alliance, Hydro Ministerial Alliance, Gracemont Ministerial Alliance, and Fort Cobb Senior Citizens Center
- Canadian: Blessing Baskets
- Cherokee: Tahlequah Farmers Market
- Comanche: Lawton Food Bank
- Comanche WLC: Lawton Food Bank
- Craig: Neighbors Helping Neighbors
- Creek: Olive First Baptist Church Food Assistance Program, Drumright First United Methodist Blessing Box, and Bristow Social Services
- Custer: Clinton Mission House and Connection Food & Resource Center
- Ellis: Ellis County Food Bank
- Garfield: RSVP Enid Mobile Meals
- Garfield WLC: RSVP Enid Mobile Meals
- Grant: Linda’s Way
- Greer: Christian Lay Enterprises
- Harper: The Buffalo Food Pantry and Laverne Food Pantry Association
- Haskell: McCurtain Senior Citizens Center, Stigler Nutrition Center, Town of Whitefield, and Keota Senior Citizens Center
- Hughes: Texas Banner Church of God Food Bank and Holdenville Ministerial Alliance Food Bank
- Jackson: First United Methodist Church
- Johnston: Johnston County Reaching Out
- Kay: Wheatheart Nutrition Project
- Kiowa: First United Methodist Church
- LeFlore : First Baptist Church and Kiamichi Valley Food Pantry
- Lincoln: Sparks Nutrition Site
- Logan: God’s Food Bank
- Major: Fariview Schools Food Closet
- Mayes: Pryor Ministries
- McIntosh: First United Methodist Church Mission
- Noble WLC: Operation Blessing
- Okfuskee: You Can! Inc
- Oklahoma:Regional Food Bank of Oklahoma
- Okmulgee: Oklmulgee County Family Resource Center
- Ottawa: Ottawa County Salvation Army
- Pawnee: Cleveland Area Food Bank and Ministerial Alliance
- Payne: Okmulgee County OSU Extension and Our Daily Bread
- Pottawatomie: Community Market of Pottawatomie County
- Pushmataha: First Baptist Church Community Food Bank and Living Waters Food Bank
- Rogers: Safenet Services
- Stephens: Christians Concerned
- Texas: Guymon Loaves and Fishes and Hooker Food Bank
- Tillman: Tillman County Food Bank
- Washington: Agape Mission and Lighthouse Mission
- Woodward: First United Methodist Church Food Pantry and First Baptist Church
For more information about the OKFB Community Food Assistance Matching Program, contact Rebekah Nash at (405) 523-2300.