Oklahoma Farm Bureau members ages 35-50 gathered for the inaugural Generation Bridge conference held Jan. 28-29 in Oklahoma City.
The conference was the kickoff event for OKFB’s new Generation Bridge program, which targets OKFB members who are in the middle of their agriculture careers and want to expand their agricultural knowledge, connections and leadership experience.
The two-day event featured presentations on a wide array of agriculture topics, providing opportunities for conference attendees to discuss ideas and share their experiences.
The event kicked off at Cattlemen’s Steakhouse event center on Friday, Jan. 28, where featured speakers included Kelli Payne, president of the Oklahoma National Stockyards Company; Chris Carroll, vice president and credit officer with National Livestock Credit Corporation; and Rodd Moesel, OKFB president.
The second day featured updates from OKFB staff on legislative and policy issues along with a communications training session. Attorneys with OKC-based law firm McAfee and Taft shared information on legal issues and services the firm’s agriculture and equine industry group offers to their clients.
The conference concluded with an open discussion and idea-sharing session for the approximately 25 attendees to discuss ideas, goals and direction for the Generation Bridge program.
OKFB is currently seeking applications from members ages 35-50 who would like to serve on the program’s advisory committee. The committee members will meet periodically to plan events and programs as they direct the future work of Generation Bridge.
For more information about the Generation Bridge program or to apply for the advisory committee, contact Holly Carroll at (405) 523-2300.