Food, fun and camaraderie flowed in Bricktown as Oklahoma Farm Bureau hosted “Get on Tap with 777,” an event that showed Oklahoma City residents the need for the Right to Farm in Oklahoma.
More than 100 guests attended the gathering at TapWerks Ale House Thursday, June 30, for food, drink and education about SQ 777. OKFB President Tom Buchanan, along with OKFB staff, visited with attendees and shared their personal stories about Right to Farm’s benefit to Oklahoma and why they are voting “yes.”
Mark Yates, OKFB director of field operations, addressed the group, sharing the need for Right to Farm to protect our state’s agriculture industry, along with rebuttals of some commonly-told myths surrounding SQ 777. With guests partaking of food and beverages, Yates made a strong case for the need for agriculture before the group of urban residents, stressing the importance of protecting family farms.
Guests were invited to take their photo in a photo booth, and SQ 777 brochures, buttons and bumper stickers were available for participants to show their support for Right to Farm.
Plans for more open-forum events are in the works. Check OKFB’s social media accounts for details on upcoming SQ 777 gatherings and events.