You work hard to keep your piece of America looking its best, so why not choose a mower made in the USA to take care of it?
Oklahoma Farm Bureau members can now receive a 15 percent discount on all Grasshopper makes and models as well as implements and accessories purchased with a mower.
Made in America by hard-working people committed to craftsmanship, durability and attention to detail, Grasshopper mowers can help keep your piece of land looking its best. In addition, these products are designed with the best features that make mowing easier, more productive and more powerful.
Sitting on the seat of a Grasshopper True ZeroTurn mower is enough to convince you because the company’s engineers understand what it takes to stay alert and in control – all day if necessary – and still step off feeling energized. To take it a step further, they translate that understanding into features that make mowing easier, more productive and more powerful than imaginable.
To take advantage of this special members-only offer, simply present your OKFB membership card to your local dealer. Discounts must be redeemed at the time of purchase.
Grasshopper products are available through a worldwide network of knowledgeable, independent dealers offering sales, parts and service to turf care professionals, business and government entities and discerning individuals. Find your local dealer on Grasshopper’s website.