Oklahoma Farm Bureau President Rodd Moesel issued the following statement after Gov. Kevin Stitt and Agriculture Secretary Blayne Arthur sent a letter to U.S. Attorney General Merrick Garland urging the U.S. Department of Justice to continue its investigation into the meatpacking industry.
“Oklahoma Farm Bureau is grateful to Gov. Kevin Stitt and Ag Secretary Blayne Arthur for voicing the concerns of Oklahoma cattle producers by urging the Department of Justice to continue investigating the nation’s meatpacking industry and beef supply chain.
“Oklahoma’s ranching families for months have watched helplessly as the gap between the live cattle prices producers receive and the retail prices of beef consumers pay at the grocery store widened, without an answer as to why. Oklahoma’s farm and ranch families deserve to be fairly compensated for the hard work they invest and the financial risk they assume to safely and efficiently raise food for consumers.
“We’re hopeful the action by Gov. Stitt and Sec. Arthur, combined with urging from leaders across the country and the beef industry, will help lead to long-awaited answers Oklahoma’s beef producers deserve.”
Read the full letter below.