Oklahoma Farm Bureau President Tom Buchanan issued the following statement in response to the Oklahoma Senate’s unanimous passage of SB 1142. The bill eliminates all requirements and restrictions on the removal of feral hogs in Oklahoma.
“Oklahoma Farm Bureau is proud of the efforts of Sen. Nathan Dahm, Rep. Sean Roberts and the Oklahoma Senate in passing SB 1142. The measure eliminates all previous restrictions on the removal of feral hogs, allowing landowners to remove the invasive species – without a permit – at any time, day or night, throughout the year.
“Feral hogs are costly and harmful to Oklahoma farms, ranches, private and public land, and ecosystems. SB 1142 gives our farmers, ranchers and landowners the ability to further protect their property from the species.
“Although hunting is responsible for eliminating less than 5 percent of Oklahoma’s feral hog population, the invasive animals must be removed from the Oklahoma landscape. As the state’s largest general farm organization, we support removing feral hogs through any means possible and look forward to implementing any additional measures to eliminate the species in our state.”