Oklahoma Farm Bureau purchased more than $45,000 in livestock premiums to support agriculture youth and their livestock projects at the 2022 Oklahoma Youth Expo Sale of Champions Friday, March 18 at the Oklahoma State Fairgrounds.
OKFB purchased 65 premiums – alongside other agricultural groups and individuals – out of the 212 animals sold, including a portion of the grand champion market barrow, shown by Cade Rea of Hydro-Eakly FFA.
OKFB was also recognized as the OYE volume buyer for 2021, having purchased more premiums than any other buyer in the sale.
Additionally, OKFB purchased the chalice for the grand champion market steer, shown by Sadie Wynn of Newcastle 4-H.
OKFB contributed a total of $65,000 to the Oklahoma Youth Expo through livestock premiums, event sponsorship and more.