Oklahoma Farm Bureau continued the organization’s tradition of supporting Oklahoma’s agricultural youth by purchasing premiums at the 2025 Oklahoma Youth Expo Sale of Champions Friday, March 21, in Oklahoma City, in addition to overall sponsorships of Oklahoma’s largest youth livestock show.
OKFB’s financial support of OYE in 2025 totaled more than $70,000.
OKFB purchased more than $43,000 worth of premiums at the sale, supporting 64 4-H and FFA members who showcased their livestock at the sale.
At the beginning of the sale, OKFB was recognized as the purchaser of the most animals at the 2024 sale with the OYE volume buyer award, which OKFB president Rodd Moesel accepted.
In addition to the support of students’ livestock projects at the sale, OKFB supported OYE as a platinum sponsor, including sponsorship of the ag mechanics and engineering contest. OKFB also purchased the chalice for the OYE grand champion steer, which was exhibited by Madilyn Norvell of the Amber-Pocasset FFA chapter.
Beyond monetary sponsorships, the OKFB Foundation for Agriculture hosted a hog carcass contest and collected donated pigs for the foundation’s Pork for Packs program, which provides protein sticks to hungry Oklahoma children in collaboration with the Regional Food Bank of Oklahoma and the Food Bank of Eastern Oklahoma.