Oklahoma Farm Bureau is offering a new member benefit. Members are now eligible to receive a $100 discount on any all-steel storm shelter from Storm Safe Tornado Shelters, an Oklahoma company established in 1987. Their original steel -in-ground models are designed to provide maximum storm protection in the convenience of ones’ garage, porch or patio. Unlike costly outdoor shelters requiring days of construction and planning to accommodate the landscape, the Original Storm Safe installs in only hours and is immediately out of the weather. Storm Safe Shelters have been tested and approved at the Texas Tech University Wind Science and […]
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Farm Bureau praises Gov. Fallin for signing horse legislation
The state’s largest farm organization wants Gov. Fallin to know they appreciate her strength and courage in signing HB 1999 into law. Oklahoma Farm Bureau, along with other agricultural organizations, has supported the legislation throughout the legislative session. “Oklahoma Farm Bureau would like to thank Gov. Fallin for listening to the people of Oklahoma and farmers and ranchers across the state on this issue,” said Mike Spradling, Oklahoma Farm Bureau president. “We sincerely appreciate Gov. Fallin for standing with and supporting the agricultural industry in Oklahoma. With the signing of this bill, there will now be a solution to the […]
Oklahoma livestock producers donate cattle and pigs to food bank
Thousands of Oklahoma school children will now have adequate protein to supplement their diets after Oklahoma livestock producers donated more than 50 head of cattle and pigs to the Food for Kids program at the Regional Food Bank of Oklahoma. Earlier this year a plea was issued by the Food Bank for producers to donate animals. The call was heard loud and clear! “I am overwhelmed by the generosity of our livestock producers, “said Rodney Bivens, executive director of the Regional Food Bank of Oklahoma. “This is a great opportunity to help educate the public that the food is there […]
Senate passes horse processing bill
Legislation to allow for horse processing facilities in Oklahoma passed the Oklahoma Senate today following a lengthy battle between livestock producers and animal activists. HB 1999, sponsored by Sen. Eddie Fields and Rep. Skye McNiel, received 32 yes votes and only 14 no votes in the Senate chamber. “Oklahoma legislators have shown great courage and compassion for animals in passing this bill,” said Mike Spradling, president of the Oklahoma Farm Bureau. “We especially want to praise Reps. McNiel and John Enns, and Sens. Fields and Mark Allen, for their leadership.” The bill now goes to Gov. Fallin’s desk where she […]
Oklahoma agricultural groups voice support of horse processing legislation
During a March 13 press conference at the state Capitol, a coalition of Oklahoma agriculture and wildlife groups announced their strong support for horse processing legislation now working its way through the Oklahoma legislature. The coalition is organized and led by Oklahoma Farm Bureau, the state’s largest general farm organization. “Oklahoma livestock and wildlife producers respect and care for animals,” said OFB President Mike Spradling. “This legislation provides a humane solution to the challenge of abandoned, abused and otherwise neglected horses.” In a joint statement, the groups said they support HB 1999 by Rep. Skye McNiel and Sen. Eddie Fields […]
Inhofe co-authors bill to ease farmers’ EPA regulatory burden
A bill to amend EPA regulations on above ground fuel and oil storage tanks was introduced March 8 by a bipartisan group of U.S. senators, including Sen. Jim Inhofe, R-OK. The bill is co-sponsored by Sen. Mark Pryor, D-AR, Sen. Deb Fischer, R-NE, Sen. John Boozman, R-AK, Sen. Thad Cochran, R-MS, and Sen. Mike Johanns, R-NE. The major focus of the amendment to the Spill Prevention, Control, and Countermeasure rule exempts farmers from EPA rules intended for oil and gas refineries. The exemption would apply to farmers who have total fuel storage capacity not exceeding 42,000 gallons with no individual […]
Longtime OFB leader honored
Oklahoma Farm Bureau honored Billy Gibson, Ada, Feb. 18, for his more than 36 years of service as a volunteer leader for the farm organization. “Billy is a very special person who has dedicated many years to serving Oklahoma Farm Bureau, including two separate tenures on the OFB Board of Directors, representing District 8,” said Mike Spradling, OFB president. Gibson was raised on a ranch near Ada in Pontotoc County. He served his country as an Air Force pilot, flying combat missions over Vietnam and later serving in the Pentagon. Upon retirement from the Air Force, the Oklahoma farm […]
Farm Bureau awards top legislative award to U.S. Representative Lucas
U.S. Rep. Frank Lucas, R-OK, will receive American Farm Bureau’s Golden Plow Award Feb. 18, during Oklahoma Farm Bureau’s annual leadership conference at the Skirvin Hotel, Oklahoma City. The Golden Plow award is presented annually to one member of the U.S. Senate and one member of the U.S. House of Representatives who have demonstrated strong support for Farm Bureau and agricultural issues. “As chairman of the House Agriculture Committee, Lucas has worked tirelessly for agriculture and the state of Oklahoma,” said OFB President Mike Spradling. “His work on the new farm bill, combined with his many years of service to […]
Farm Bureau honors five state legislators
Five state legislators will receive Oklahoma Farm Bureau’s Meritorious Service Award Feb. 18, during the farm organization’s annual leadership conference at the Skirvin Hotel in Oklahoma City. The Meritorious Service award is presented to legislators who have a strong voting record for Farm Bureau issues and show support for rural and agricultural issues. The awards are based on a county Farm Bureau’s nomination and evaluation of the lawmaker’s adherence to the values and issues important to rural Oklahoma. Receiving the award will be Sen. Anthony Sykes, Moore, and Representatives Lisa Billy, Purcell; Tom Newell, Seminole; Mike Jackson, Enid; and Joe […]
Oklahoma rural women promote healthy lifestyles during national event
Oklahoma Farm Bureau members will work to educate consumers in their communities during Food Check-Out Week, Feb. 17-23. Farm Bureau members will offer tips on how consumers can stretch their grocery dollars with healthy, nutritious food. During this week, many farmers and ranchers also plan to make a special effort to reach out to consumers, in-person or through social media, to answer questions about the food they grow or the livestock and poultry they raise. The price of unprepared, readily available fresh fruits and vegetables, such as lettuce, bananas, whole carrots, apples, broccoli and tomatoes, has remained stable compared to […]
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