More than eighty Oklahoma youth recently competed for $8,200 in scholarships and savings bonds during the 17th Annual Young Farmers and Ranchers Speech Contest, sponsored by the Oklahoma Farm Bureau. The contest was held March 26 at the Oklahoma Farm Bureau office in Oklahoma City. “This contest helps the young leaders better understand agriculture and Farm Bureau issues,” said contest coordinator Derek Crain, Taloga. “It gives them experience talking in front of crowds and builds leadership skills that will help them later in life.” The YF&R Speech Contest was divided into three age divisions: Junior, nine-12 years old; Intermediate, 13-15 […]
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Oklahoma Farm Bureau leaders talk priorities at nation’s capitol
Convincing Congress to pass a new farm bill this year was the focus of a group of 40 Oklahoma Farm Bureau leaders during an intense lobbying effort in Washington, D.C. March 26-29. “It’s extremely important we get a new farm bill written this year,” said Mike Spradling, OFB president. “Continued delays by Congress to pass the new farm bill will reduce the farm program’s effectiveness.” The Farm Bureau leaders emphasized they need a new farm bill that provides a strong safety net for farm income using a combination of crop insurance, a revenue assurance program and price protection. Spradling said […]
Farm Bureau announces farmers’ blog
As spring planting season begins, Oklahoma Farm Bureau is launching a unique website to track the weekly events of four Oklahoma farm families throughout the growing season. The Oklahoma Farm Bureau Harvest Watch blog website will feature regular updates from the farmers as they experience the everyday joys and disappointments of planting and harvesting a crop. Updates will continue through the fall and conclude with harvest. The four farm families each represent a different region of Oklahoma and include Zac and Amy Harris, Hobart; Brandon and Carrie Webb, Canton; Kenneth and Debby Fisher, Bristow; and Greg and Mary Leonard, Afton. […]
Rural women leaders give to Ronald McDonald House charities
Oklahoma Farm Bureau women leaders celebrated National Food Check-Out Week, Feb. 19-25, by donating more than $1,500 worth of food to the Ronald McDonald Houses in Tulsa and Oklahoma City. The annual event recognizes the fact that by this time in the year, the average American consumer has earned enough income to pay their annual grocery bill. “Stretching Your Grocery Dollar with Healthy, Nutritious Food,” the official theme of Farm Bureau’s Food Check-Out Week, is an indicator of the tight economic times consumers face. Dining out less often and preparing more meals at home are two strategies people are using […]
Farm Bureau committee expresses urgency on passing a new farm bill
Oklahoma agricultural producers urgently need a new farm bill that provides a strong safety net for farm income using a combination of crop insurance, a revenue assurance program and price protection. That’s the message recently delivered by the Oklahoma Farm Bureau Farm Bill Committee. “We encourage farm groups to work together to support Cong. Lucas and Sen. Stabenow to get the new farm bill passed quickly,” committee chairman Scott Neufeld said. “We’re concerned if this is not passed by July 1, it will not be passed this year. Continued delays by Congress to pass the new farm bill will reduce […]
OFB conference recognizes legislative leadership
Oklahoma Farm Bureau honored six state senators and representatives with the Meritorious Service Award during the annual OFB Leadership Conference in Oklahoma City, Feb 20. The Meritorious Service honor is awarded to state legislators who actively support rural and agricultural efforts and maintain a strong voting record in favor of Farm Bureau issues. Winners are nominated by county Farm Bureaus and evaluated on their ability to positively impact the rural community. Those receiving the legislative award for 2012 were Representatives Larry Glenn, Skye McNiel, Wade Rousselot, and Mike Sanders and Senators Brian Bingman and Susan Paddack. “Oklahoma Farm Bureau appreciates […]
President’s budget proposal puts farmers at risk
President Obama’s proposal to cut $700 million from the USDA budget has Oklahoma farmers concerned, as it threatens to drastically reduce funding for crop insurance and conservation programs. “We are deeply concerned about reducing funds for crop insurance as it is our primary risk management tool,” said Mike Spradling, Oklahoma Farm Bureau president. “Cutting funds to crop insurance threatens the very program that kept many of our producers in business during the recent historic drought. We support a strong crop insurance program focused on helping farmers manage risk.” The Farm Bureau leader emphasized agriculture’s support of reducing the federal deficit […]
OFB conference to focus on legislative issues
State legislative leaders will address Oklahoma Farm Bureau county presidents Feb. 20-21, during the annual OFB Leadership Conference at the Marriott Hotel, 3233 Northwest Expressway, in Oklahoma City. “This is a great opportunity for our county leaders to meet with their legislators and discuss issues important to rural Oklahoma,” said OFB President Mike Spradling. The first day will feature a series of discussions on Oklahoma water laws, estate planning and employment laws. Also, Farm Bureau’s coveted Meritorious Service Awards will be presented during the evening’s conference banquet. Day two will kick off with a legislative panel featuring State Representatives Leslie […]
Governor Fallin proclaims Farm Bureau week
Oklahoma Governor Mary Fallin has proclaimed the week of Feb. 20-24, “Farm Bureau Week” in Oklahoma. The week is part of a statewide observance during which county Farm Bureaus will make a concerted effort to enroll members, introduce the community to Farm Bureau volunteer leaders and explain the organization’s goals and objectives. “This is a special time to acknowledge Farm Bureau members and the work they do year-round in the communities across this great state,” said OFB President Mike Spradling. “It is significant the governor recognizes Farm Bureau and agriculture’s importance to Oklahoma.” When making the proclamation, Fallin cited Farm […]
Farm Bureau applauds Whitson’s OSU career
Following the recent resignation announcement of Oklahoma State University’s Vice President, Dean and Director of the Division of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources, farmers and ranchers are reflecting on the impressive OSU career of Robert Whitson. “We greatly appreciate his leadership and vision,” said Oklahoma Farm Bureau President Mike Spradling. “I consider Bob a close friend and I will miss his wit and wisdom.” Since 2005, Whitson has served as dean of the College of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources and also vice president/director of the two state agencies administered through the division: the Oklahoma Agricultural Experiment Station and the […]
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