An overwhelming 80 percent of the FFA members visiting the Oklahoma Farm Bureau exhibit during the Oklahoma FFA convention, May 2-4, said they are optimistic about the future of agriculture. “That does not surprise me as these kids tend to be a pretty optimistic group in general,” said Chris Kidd, south central OFB field coordinator and Young Farmers and Ranchers Committee coordinator. The OFB exhibit was a project of the YF&R committee in an effort to encourage FFA members to get more involved in agriculture leadership organizations. The strong optimism was offset somewhat by the 61 percent who […]
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Oklahoma Farm Bureau committee raises $15,000 for OFB Ag Legal Foundation
Oklahoma Farm Bureau’s Young Farmers and Ranchers committee helped raise more than $15,000 for the OFB Ag Legal Foundation during the annual YF&R Golf Classic held May 6, in Seminole. All proceeds benefit the OFB Ag Legal Foundation’s efforts to protect the rights of farmers and ranchers and represent them regarding other agricultural issues. “It’s heartening to see some of the same people turn out every year for the tournament,” said OFB Legal Foundation Director Marla Peek. “It’s a testament to some of our members’ support of the foundation’s activities.” More than 20 teams participated in the annual event hosted […]
State agency promotes awareness of spray drift
The Oklahoma Department of Agriculture, Food and Forestry is partnering with several other agricultural organizations, including Oklahoma Farm Bureau, to help prevent spray drift and crop damage to fields. State Department of Agriculture crop specialists advise farmers to be aware of certain crops grown in their area that are sensitive to herbicides such as 2,4-D. Those crops can include cotton, grapes and canola. Agency leaders say it is a good idea to know what neighbors have planted and consider wind speed, temperature, humidity and atmospheric inversion conditions when spraying herbicides. Also, they advise avoiding applications during hot or humid times […]
Corporate Communications division welcomes new employee
Gail Banzet of Stillwater is the new Publications and Online News Coordinator in the Corporate Communications/Public Relations division at Oklahoma Farm Bureau. Banzet is a 2005 OFB corporate communications intern and a 2006 graduate of Oklahoma State University where she earned a bachelor’s degree in Agricultural Communications. For the past four years, she has worked as a news reporter/morning host for KOSU radio in Stillwater broadcasting news and weather updates as well as producing audio features on the great people, places and events of Oklahoma. While working as a reporter, Banzet’s interest in agriculture played a role in her feature […]
Oklahoma Farm Bureau to celebrate Earth Day
Earth Day is Friday, April 22, and the farm and ranch families of Oklahoma Farm Bureau are available to answer questions and help Oklahoma celebrate this annual event. Despite the prolonged drought, today’s farmland is not blowing away. Even though it is drier than it was in the notorious “Dirty ‘30’s” or Dust Bowl days, we do not see huge piles of dirt in the ditches or large dust clouds on the horizon. Thanks to improved farming methods, more of the land’s soil is staying in place and giving farmers a chance to produce food with limited natural resources. Did […]
Farm Bureau Lauds Governor’s Choice For OSU Board of Regents
The state’s largest farm organization is praising Gov. Mary Fallin for appointing Rick Davis, Guthrie, to the Oklahoma State University Board of Regents. “We are pleased Governor Fallin chose such a respected and successful agricultural leader as Rick Davis,” said Oklahoma Farm Bureau President Mike Spradling. “Davis and his family are well respected in the community, across the state and nation for their leadership in agriculture.” A 1983 graduate of OSU with a degree in Agricultural Economics, Davis manages a diversified crop, beef and dairy farm. He also manages a hay production and supply company servicing stores and individuals throughout […]
Farm Bureau Leaders Lobby Congress
A group of 50 Oklahoma Farm Bureau leaders took time out from preparing for the spring growing season to travel to Washington, D.C. for an intense lobbying effort, March 26-31. “This is a valuable trip for farm leaders,” said Mike Spradling, OFB president. “It shows our Oklahoma congressional delegation we support them and it gives our members an opportunity to see how the federal government functions.” During the trip, the farm leaders met with Senators Inhofe and Coburn, plus all five U.S. House members from Oklahoma, including Frank Lucas, the new chairman of the House Agriculture Committee. “Lucas will play […]
Farm Bureau awards YF&R Speech Contest winners
Fifty-seven Oklahoma youth recently competed for $8,200 in savings bonds and scholarships during the 16th Annual Young Farmers and Ranchers Speech Contest, sponsored by the Oklahoma Farm Bureau. The contest was held March 14 at the OSU-OKC campus in Oklahoma City. The YF&R Speech Contest was broken up into three age divisions: Junior, nine-12 years old; Intermediate, 13-15 years old; and Senior, 16-18 years old. The Junior Division presented speeches on the topic, “I Believe in Oklahoma Ag.” The Intermediate and Senior divisions gave speeches in three division categories, including Agricultural Production, Agriculture Policy and Environment & Natural Resources. Speeches […]
Trespassing laws in Oklahoma are about to get tougher
The trespassing laws in Oklahoma are about to get tougher, and that’s a good thing according the state’s largest farm organization. HB 1249 would remove the exemption under current trespass law that allows owners to retrieve animals by entering someone’s property without permission. HB 1249, authored by Rep. Wade Rousselot, passed the House March 3 with an overwhelming 80 to 11 vote. “This legislation will strengthen our no trespassing laws,” said Mike Spradling, Oklahoma Farm Bureau president. “Protecting private property rights, including strong no trespassing laws, have long been a priority of Farm Bureau members.” The bill will remedy an […]
Farm Bureau Safety Services adds texting and driving video to program
Oklahoma Farm Bureau Safety Services has added a new video to their defensive driving program describing the dangers of sending text messages while driving. The video tells the story of Dallas Hutchinson, who was killed in an automobile collision on July 18, 2010, while texting and driving. Cheryl Nichols, Hutchinson’s mother, is featured in the video as she details the collision that took her son’s life. “Dallas was 23 years old,” Nichols said of her son. “He didn’t like cell phones at first, but once he learned how to text – it was like an addiction.” OFB Safety Services shares […]
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