In a remote village of Mali, West Africa, there is a cotton farmer today who understands how important his village radio station is to keeping democracy alive. During a visit to Mali March 13-25, Oklahoma Farm Bureau staff person Sam Knipp saw first hand the role journalists play in keeping citizens informed, a vital component of a healthy democracy. Knipp, Vice President of Corporate Communications and Public Relations, was one of 10 Oklahoma journalists participating in a U.S. State Department program focusing on the role journalists play in a successful democratic government. The program was coordinated by Oklahoma State University’s […]
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Farm Bureau Celebrates National Agriculture Week
Americans are so accustomed to having a safe and reliable food supply that they rarely consider its source. “American agriculture is responsible for providing the necessities of our everyday life – food, fiber, clothing and even fuel,” said Matt Wilson, Oklahoma Farm Bureau executive director. “With National Ag Day Wednesday, it is a great opportunity for everyone to take a moment to consider everything that went into getting that meal on the dinner table.” Farm Bureau will join producers, agricultural associations, universities, governmental agencies and others Wednesday for Ag Day at the Capitol. “We want to share the great news […]
Farm Bureau announces YF&R Speech Contest winners
Several Oklahoma youth recently competed for $9,500 in savings bonds and scholarships during the 12th Annual Young Farmers and Ranchers Speech Contest, sponsored by the Oklahoma Farm Bureau. The contest was held March 12 at the OSU-OKC campus in Oklahoma City. The YF&R Speech Contest was broken up into three age divisions: Junior, nine-12 years old; Intermediate, 13-15 years old; and Senior, 16-18 years old. The youth gave speeches in three division categories, including Agricultural Production, Agriculture Policy and Environment & Natural Resources. Speeches for the Junior Division were three to five minutes in length; five to eight minutes for […]
Rural Development Activities Focus Of Farm Bureau Week Feb. 19-23
In his proclamation for Farm Bureau Week, Oklahoma Gov. Brad Henry said the state depends on organizations like Farm Bureau to play a key role in developing rural areas. Throughout the week of Feb. 19, county Farm Bureau’s will be hosting events focusing on rural development activities. “This is critical for economic development in rural Oklahoma,” Henry said. “We stress economic development, but Farm Bureau practices it everyday and we’re very thankful for them.” Oklahoma Farm Bureau President Steve Kouplen, Beggs, said Farm Bureau Week gives the state’s largest farm organization, with more than 166,000 members, an opportunity to tell […]
Delegates Support Voluntary Animal ID, Farm Safety Net
Oklahoma delegates to the 88th American Farm Bureau Federation annual meeting were successful in changing policy regarding the national animal identification program. Previously listed as “mandatory” in the AFBF policy book, Oklahoma Farm Bureau leaders asked that delegates reconsider and instead support a voluntary animal ID program. “Oklahoma producers have a number of concerns with a mandatory program and feel like a voluntary animal id system is the way to go,” said Steve Kouplen, Oklahoma Farm Bureau President. “AFBF delegates agreed and now our policy supports a voluntary program.” Delegates also supported consideration of legislation to ensure confidentiality of producers’ […]
FB Members to Gather in Salt Lake City for Nat’l Convention
An Oklahoma Farm Bureau delegation of 80-plus leaders will join more than 4,000 Farm Bureau members from across the country in Salt Lake City, Utah Jan. 7-10 for the American Farm Bureau Federation’s 88th Annual Meeting and Convention. Most importantly, state delegates will meet to discuss and vote on the positions that will guide AFBF in 2007. Oklahoma Farm Bureau President Steve Kouplen said several agricultural issues will be covered during discussions, including the next farm bill. “The farm bill is probably the key issue. We will have to decide whether to extend the current policy, or write a new […]
Oklahoma Farm Bureau Convention Slated for Nov. 10-12 in Tulsa
Nearly 1,000 farmers and ranchers will converge on Tulsa Nov. 10-12 for the 65th annual Oklahoma Farm Bureau convention at the Southern Hills Marriott. Taking care of business of the state’s largest voluntary farm organization and setting policy to help mold the future of the state and nation will be the primary focus of delegates attending. The delegates will consider more than 100 policy recommendations during business sessions. Issues atop that list include the 2007 farm bill, eminent domain and renewable energy. County Farm Bureaus submitted more than 600 policy recommendations, which were considered by the state Resolutions Committee. Many […]
OFB Was Major Livestock Buyer At 2006 Tulsa State Fair
Oklahoma Farm Bureau & Affiliated Companies was the major buyer at the 2006 Tulsa State Fair Junior Livestock Premium Auction Oct. 6. The state’s largest farm organization purchased the reserve grand champion lamb and 21 other prize-winning animals that made the annual premium auction. Farm Bureau was recognized prior to the auction with the 2005 Frank Sanders Memorial Award for last year’s premium auction, marking the sixth consecutive year for Farm Bureau to be recognized for purchasing the largest number of animals in the sale. Oklahoma Farm Bureau also sponsored Tulsa State Fair FFA Livestock Judging Contest Oct. 6, and […]
Ammonium Nitrate Regulations Shouldn’t Hinder Farming Practices
Oklahoma Farm Bureau stands commmitted to ensuring the safety of U.S. citizens and their food supply. It supports reasonable legislation to regulate the sale and distribution of ammonium nitrate fertilizer. "Regulations should allow farmers to purchase ammonium nitrate without acquiring a permit or undergoing criminal background checks,” said Lori Peterson, vice president of public policy for the state’s largest farm organization. “Regulations also should not discourage vendors from selling the product.” Farm Bureau does not object to any ID check requirement or a requirement that asks sellers to retain the names and addresses of purchasers of the product. With those […]
OFB YF&R Sponsor Scholarships and Awards at OSU Field Days
Oklahoma Farm Bureau’s Young Farmers and Ranchers Committee provided scholarships and awards for the top competitors in the Oklahoma State University Animal Science Field Days July 18-20. More than 1500 young livestock judgers from across Oklahoma gathered in Stillwater for the event. “OFB Young Farmers and Ranchers are proud to continue our support of Oklahoma youth through sponsoring this event,” said Ryan Wahl, Young Farmers and Ranchers state committee member. “FFA and 4-H members are the future of the agricultural industry, and we hope our support will help ensure their future involvement in farming and ranching.” This year marked the […]
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