Tulsa County Farm Bureau member Tommy Salisbury has been appointed to serve on the American Farm Bureau Young Farmers and Ranchers Committee.
Salisbury farms about 3,200 acres of soybeans and milo, has a custom hay baling operation, runs more than 200 cow/calf pairs and 500 yearlings, and owns the Collinsville Livestock auction. He also owns the Collinsville feed store to provide a resource for urban and local 4-H and FFA students.
Throughout his Farm Bureau career, Salisbury has served on the Tulsa County Farm Bureau board, and he and his wife, Chalaynna, have served as the at-large representatives for the state YF&R committee for the last year.
“I saw this as an opportunity to not only make connections and network throughout the nation, but also to make a difference,” Salisbury said. “I try the hardest I can in Oklahoma to be involved in the legislative process, and I saw this as an opportunity to do it on the national level. I also want to use it as an opportunity to reach out to 4-H and FFA members and share with them what Farm Bureau is, what Farm Bureau does, and how to be involved.”
The AFBF YF&R Committee is made up of 16 positions that represent all regions of the United States. Committee members are responsible for program planning including YF&R competitive events during AFBF’s annual convention, and the Harvest for All program.
Salisbury will serve a two-year term on the AFBF YF&R Committee, beginning after the 2025 AFBF Fusion Conference, held in March in Denver.