Young farmers, ranchers meet with legislators during
leadership conference
In hopes of keeping legislators aware of issues important to rural Oklahoma, young farmers and ranchers recently met with their elected officials while in Oklahoma City for Farm Bureau’s 2003 Young Farmers & Ranchers Legislative Leadership Conference.
"It’s our duty as young producers and leaders to represent agriculture at the State Legislature," said Francie Tolle, state YF&R Committee chairman. "With increasing urban leadership at the State Capitol, we must make sure rural voices are heard."
Each year young farmers and ranchers gather in Oklahoma City for a day of lobbying and leadership training, designed to build better spokesmen and spokeswomen for agriculture.
This year’s event included a legislative briefing which brought the YF&R members up to date on agricultural issues still alive this session. Afterward, the group headed over to the State Capitol for a catered barbecue lunch and visit with their senators and representatives.
"There are several issues regarding agriculture that need continuous attention. Attempts to increase property taxes and annex rural land, both of which would harm producers, are prime examples," said Tolle. "This annual conference is an excellent opportunity to let our legislators know where we stand on these issues."
In addition to lobbying efforts, the young producers focused on their leadership skills by taking a personality test designed to reveal their strengths and weaknesses as leaders.
"It’s very enlightening to see your personality broken down into strengths and weaknesses," said Tolle. "Knowing how to combine differing personalities and build upon our strengths as leaders will allow us to work together as an effective team."
Farm Bureau’s YF&R Program, which include young men and women ages 18 to 35, is designed to provide young producers with an opportunity to serve their industry, network with others, bring about change, solve common problems and develop leadership skills.