David VonTungeln – Oklahoma Farm Bureau District 3 Director

A Canadian County family farmer and rancher for more than 40 years, David VonTungeln serves as the District Three Director on the Oklahoma Farm Bureau board of directors.
David is proud to farm on his family’s centennial farm that produces cattle, wheat, alfalfa, milo, soybeans and forage crops in Calumet, Oklahoma. He also works as a veterinarian.
The son of two OKFB state board members, David and his family have been actively involved in the grassroots organization for decades.
David served as president of the Canadian County Farm Bureau prior to being elected to the OKFB board of directors in 2017. He also has served on the OKAgFund board, OKFB’s political action committee.
Active throughout his community and the state, David serves as president of the Oklahoma Farm Bureau Foundation for Agriculture. He was appointed to the Redlands Community College board of regents by Gov. Mary Fallin in 2016. He also is a member of the American Veterinary Medical Association, the Oklahoma Veterinary Medical Association and the Academy of Veterinary Consultants. He serves as chairman of the Heaston Community Church board of directors.