Oklahoma Farm Bureau Annual Meeting
Held in early November
2025 Dates: November 7-9 • Omni Hotel, Downtown OKC
The premiere event of Oklahoma Farm Bureau, our annual meeting is the largest gathering of Farm Bureau members in Oklahoma. With sessions featuring engaging speakers, awards presentations and Oklahoma Farm Bureau’s business sessions, our annual convention is a great way to connect with fellow Farm Bureau members.
The three-day event features our Young Farmers and Ranchers competitive events, Women’s Leadership Committee luncheon, Farm Bureau policy development, election of statewide Farm Bureau leaders and more.

Washington, D.C., Summit
Held in late March or early April
2025 Dates: April 7-10 • Washington, D.C.
Oklahoma Farm Bureau members gather in the nation’s capital to advocate for agriculture and rural issues on a national scale during OKFB’s annual Congressional Action Tour.
This week-long trip gives Farm Bureau members the opportunity to hear directly from Oklahoma’s congressional delegation and visit with them about the issues and policies that affect OKFB members and their rural communities the most. Farm Bureau members also visit agencies, such as the United States Department of Agriculture and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency to learn from agency staff about the work they do that impacts farmers and ranchers in Oklahoma and across the nation.
Held in March or April of each year, the exact dates for the Congressional Action Tour vary from year to year, depending on the availability of congressmen and congresswomen and other agricultural events.

Leadership Conference
Held in February
2025 Date: February 18 • Embassy Suites Medical Center, OKC
Oklahoma Farm Bureau’s annual Leadership Conference is an opportunity for Farm Bureau county board members and leaders to learn about the organization’s programs and policy efforts from legislative and state leaders.
The conference is a great way for Farm Bureau leaders to connect with their legislators as they advocate for agriculture policy and learn about the latest issues facing production agriculture and rural Oklahoma.

Women’s Leadership Committee Conference
2025 Dates: April 25-26• Hilton Garden Inn, Lawton
The Oklahoma Farm Bureau Women’s Leadership Committee Conference is an opportunity for Farm Bureau women from across the state to gather and learn how they can support agriculture and educate the public about the importance of Oklahoma’s agriculture industry.
The conference includes guest speakers, workshop sessions that cover a variety of topics, and lots of fun with fellow Farm Bureau members.
For questions about the conference, contact Marcia Irvin.

Young Farmers and Ranchers Summer Conference
2025 Dates: July 25-27 • Ada
Young agriculturalists ages 18-35 gather each summer to develop their leadership abilities, learn more about Oklahoma agriculture and connect with others who share their interests, challenges and excitement.
Held in a different part of Oklahoma each year, the conference includes tours of farms, ranches, agribusinesses and other points of interest that help tell the story of agriculture and Oklahoma. With engaging speakers and plenty of fun, the Young Farmers and Ranchers conference is a great way to learn and grow while learning about all the opportunities Farm Bureau offers.
Child care is provided during much of the conference for members who have young children. To learn more about the Oklahoma Farm Bureau Young Farmers and Ranchers conference, contact Burton Harmon.