The Public Policy Division of the Oklahoma Farm Bureau focuses on both policy development and policy implementation.
Policy development begins in each of the 77 county Farm Bureaus where an idea to improve the law for agriculture producers and rural Oklahomans starts to take shape. Policy Development staff may begin extensive research of current state and federal laws. This idea in combination with information obtained through research is submitted by a county Farm Bureau to become part of the policy development discussions at the state resolutions meeting. From there, these carefully drafted and well thought-out proposals go before the voting membership of the Oklahoma Farm Bureau at the annual meeting for further discussion and debate before becoming a part of Oklahoma Farm Bureau policy. A true grassroots organization, Oklahoma Farm Bureau policy becomes the focus for policy implementation in the upcoming legislative session.
Policy implementation begins as soon as the policy is finalized at the annual meeting. Once policy priorities are set by the Oklahoma Farm Bureau Board of Directors, the Public Policy Division staff begins to request legislation to be filed in the upcoming legislative session. In recent years Oklahoma Farm Bureau has successfully passed legislation in the areas of private property rights, including increasing fines for trespassing and hunting without permission, animal care and handling, and improved Right to Farm laws.
OKAgPolicy website
To keep our members and the public up to date with the latest policy news and information that affects Oklahoma agriculture and rural Oklahoma, our Public Policy department has created the OKAgPolicy website and social media tools. These platforms provide detailed information about policy proposals and issues that OKFB members vote upon each year through our grassroots policy development process. Check out or our OKAgPolicy Facebook page and Twitter account for the latest in public policy news.